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Our FARGO office will be closed on Thursday and Friday, February 6 & 7. For immediate assistance on Thursday, please call 701-483-7760. For immediate assistance on Friday, please call 701-774-0741.
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9 a.m. to 5 p.m. CST Monday - Friday  (Grand ForksFargoMinotBismarck, Williston)
8 a.m. to 4 p.m. MST Monday - Friday (Dickinson)
CLOSED: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Presidents Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, Day after Thanksgiving, Christmas.
Adams Barnes Benson Billings Bottineau Bowman Burke Burleigh Cass Cavalier Dickey Divide Dunn Eddy Emmons Foster GoldenValley GrandForks Grant Griggs Hettinger Kidder LaMoure Logan McHenry McIntosh McKenzie McLean Mercer Morton Mountrail Nelson Oliver Pembina Pierce Ramsey Ransom Renville Richland Rolette Sargent Sheridan Sioux Slope Stark Steele Stutsman Towner Traill Walsh Ward Williams Wells

Grand Forks (Main Office) 

Serving these northeast North Dakota counties: Benson, Cavalier, Eddy, Foster, Grand Forks, Griggs, Nelson, Pembina, Ramsey, Steele,Towner, Traill and Walsh. This region includes the cities of Devils Lake, Drayton, Langdon, Grafton, New Rockford, Northwood and Lakota; plus East Grand Forks, Minn.

2660 S. Columbia Road
Grand Forks, N.D. 58201
(701) 775-5577
(800) 532-NDAD (-6323)


Serving these south-central and southwest North Dakota counties: McLean, Sheridan, Mercer, Oliver, Morton, Burleigh, Wells, Kidder and Emmons. This region includes the cities of Mandan, Beulah, Fessenden, Hebron and Washburn.

1929 N. Washington Street, Suite W. 
Bismarck, N.D. 58501
Note: Use Door 1 for most convenient access to NDAD's office.
(701) 751-0739
(888) 703-0358


Serving these southwest North Dakota counties: Golden Valley, Billings, Dunn, Slope, Stark, Hettinger, Grant, Bowman, Adams, and Sioux. This region includes the cities of Beach, Bowman, Dickinson, Elgin, Hettinger, Killdeer, Medora, Mott and Fort Yates. 

West Ridge Market Center
3275 West Ridge Drive, Suite K
Dickinson, N.D. 58601
(701) 483-7760

Map and Directions to the Dickinson Office
Dickinson Staff
Dickinson Application for Assistance

  • NOTE: NDAD fillable forms use a .PDF software format from Adobe. Download Adobe Acrobat's .PDF reader.
  • NDAD's direct financial assistance application also is available in a larger font size. Contact a client services representative to request it. 



Part of the exterior of the NDAD Fargo client services office, shown in May 2023

Serving these southeast North Dakota counties: Barnes, Cass, Dickey, Lamoure, Logan, McIntosh, Ransom, Richland, Sargent and Stutsman. This region includes the cities of West Fargo, Valley City, Jamestown, Gwinner and Wahpeton. Also serving Moorhead and Breckenridge, Minn. 

21 University Dr. N.
Fargo, N.D. 58102
(701) 281-8215
(888) 363-NDAD (-6323)


Serving these north-central North Dakota counties: Bottineau, McHenry, Pierce, Renville, Rolette and Ward. This region includes the cities of Kenmare, Mohall, Bottineau, Dunseith, Towner, Rugby, New Town and Velva.

1808 20th Ave. S.E.
Minot, N.D. 58701
(701) 838-8414
(888) 999-NDAD (-6323)


Serving these northwest North Dakota counties: Burke, Divide, McKenzie, Mountrail and Williams. This region includes the cities of Tioga, Watford City, Stanley, New Town, Crosby and Bowbells.

1500 14th St. W., Suite 295
20/20 Professional Center, 2nd Floor
Williston, N.D. 58801
(701) 774-0741
(888) 403-6323