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Helping Others to Help Themselves

NDAD -- the North Dakota Association for the Disabled -- is a nonprofit, charitable organization founded in 1975 by concerned citizens for the purpose of assisting people with disabilities in the state of North Dakota, many of whom are not eligible for services from other agencies.

NDAD does not attempt to define the term "disabled." Many types of disabilities exist, and each person has unique needs. Every effort is made to provide appropriate services to eligible clients.

NDAD is not affiliated with any other agency or organization. Consequently, no portion of the NDAD budget is sent out of the area to support a regional or national organization.

Often, disabling conditions or health issues can be very costly. NDAD follows a philosophy that people with disabilities can live more satisfying, productive lives if they have the opportunity. Many times, this requires the purchase of specialized equipment, medical treatment, or other services. NDAD offers direct financial assistance for prescription assistance, medical travel and paratransit assistance. It also offers health care equipment loans, adaptive recreation resources, the Autism Spectrum Assistance Program and administers the North Dakota Organ Transplant Fund.

NDAD also would be happy to speak to your agency, organization or group in your community about our charitable nonprofit's services. Please contact the representative at the NDAD office in your region to arrange an in-service visit.
Video - NDAD: Helping Others to Help Themselves
(with captioning)

(without captioning)