North Dakota Organ Transplant Fund | NDAD

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North Dakota Organ Transplant Fund

In addition to NDAD's direct financial assistance for organ transplant recipients and donors, NDAD administers the North Dakota Organ Transplant Fund.

This fund was established by the North Dakota Legislature in 1991 to provide funds to help
Cover of N.D. Organ Transplant Fund rack card
individuals alleviate demonstrated financial needs related to costs associated with transplant operations not normally covered by insurance.
Dollars for the Organ Transplant Fund are generated from state income tax refunds of less than $5.
Contact NDAD at (800) 532-NDAD (-6323) or your area's NDAD office if you or someone you know is in need of financial assistance for costs associated with an organ transplant.

Download a .pdf version of NDAD's North Dakota Organ Transplant Fund card.

Apply for transplant assistance through our NDAD Direct Financial Assistance application.