April benefit aims to help rural Reynolds couple | NDAD

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April benefit aims to help rural Reynolds couple

Published: Friday, March 8, 2019
NDAD helping other to help themselves

NDAD announces a benefit in Reynolds, N.D., on Fri., April 12, to help Marvin and Christine Sondrol with mounting medical expenses and some essential living expenses.

The benefit, from 6 to 9 p.m. that day at the Knights of Columbus Club in Reynolds, will feature a silent auction and freewill-offering spaghetti dinner with both meat and non-meat options.

Learn about the couple's medical challenges and more at /fundraisers/marvin_christinesondrol/, where you also can donate online to help the pair or get information on how to donate by check. You also can download a .printable PDF of the NDAD's benefit post on the fundraiser page.

NDAD is sponsoring the event and serving as fund custodian through its free Community Fundraisers Program.