Grand Forks' Amy Koplin focus of May 10 benefit | NDAD

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Grand Forks' Amy Koplin focus of May 10 benefit

Published: Tuesday, May 7, 2019
NDAD helping other to help themselves
"Assembly for Amy" is the title of an NDAD-sponsored May 10 benefit at the East Grand Forks (Minn.) American Legion for Amy Koplin, a married Grand Forks mom of two sons who has metastatic breast cancer that has spread to her bones and brain.
The benefit for Amy, 48, a Grand Forks native and 26-year JR Simplot plant employee, runs from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. Friday night and includes a freewill-donation sloppy joes dinner, featuring a variety of potato products; silent auction; bake sale and 50/50 raffle.

More information is on Amy's fundraising page.